Thursday, May 10, 2007

A Final Resting Place

Back in 2001 I took a trip to the west coast, while I was gone Our poodle died and my Father in Law buried our pet (Missy) in the back yard with a little steping stone so as to remember where we buried her. I never thought much of it, but my wife and I are seriously talking of selling the house.

Sitting on the back porch I looked out and it accurred to me that we were going to have to remove the stone and the flowers we kept there. my wife asked me if I was going to dig her up, and I just can't even think of doing that, I think that the only thing left would be bones.

So the article below makes a lot of sense.


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Although some pet owners still opt to bury their pets in the backyard, more people are turning to formal burials, complete with granite markers for their furry friends

A final resting place-

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